Wednesday, February 25, 2015



 unreluctant- not reluctant, willing, eager
 quest - a long difficult search
 toll - a tax duty or tribute paid for use of services or facilities.  mourning – grief, sorrow
dim - fade
veils - cover with
 youth – young age
courage - ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation

Extra Questions:

Q1.How does the poet want to live his life from year to year?
The poet wants to live his life from year to year with a forward face and unreluctant soul.
Q2. What did the poet seek for as a little boy?
As a little boy the pot sought for new friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
Q3. Identify the figures of speech in the following lines:
a. Let me but live my life from year to year – Repetition
b. With forward face and unreluctant soul – Alliteration
c. And happy heart, that pays its toll – Personification, Alliteration
d. O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy – Antithesis, Alliteration
e. My heart will keep the courage of the quest – Alliteration
Q4.What is meant by the last turn of the road?
The last turn of the road refers to the last few years of the poet’s life. He hopes that they turn out to be the best years of his life. All through his life he has faced every challenge/obstacle with courage and stout heartedness. The warmth of memories the love of family and friends and the satisfaction that he had were the best moments in his life.
Q5. Explain the metaphor in this line, ‘And hope the road’s last turn will be the best’.

 Life has been compared to a road or a journey where we come across severe good and bad memories.

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