Friday, April 10, 2015

The solar system notes 2015-16

The Solar System
I] Define/Explain:
a)      BIG BANG THEORY: It is believed that the universe was formed 15 billion years ago due to a cosmic explosion, called big bang. And it is still expanding.

b)      NEBULA: The big bang explosion led to the formation of giant clouds of gases and dust particles called nebula.

c)      CELESTIAL BODY: Bodies present in space are called heavenly or celestial bodies.

d)     CONSTELLATIONS: Clusters or group of stars are called Constellations. E.g. URSA MAJOR, ORION, TAURAS, CANIS MAJOR, LEO etc.

e)      GALAXY: When stars are found in very large clusters or groups, the clusters are called galaxies.

f)       ECPLISE: The Sun being a luminous body casts a shadow of the opaque body-the moon and the earth. Formation of such a shadow is known as an eclipse. There are two types of eclipses- The solar eclipses and lunar eclipse.

II] Give one-word:
a)      Twinkling spots of lights in the sky – STARS
b)      The major galaxy closest to our earth- ANDROMEDA
c)      Shape of Andromeda galaxy- SPIRAL
d)     The great bear – URSA MAJOR
e)      Age of the sun- 5 BILLION YEARS OLD
f)       Two main gases present in the sun- HYDORGEN AND HELIUM
g)      We live in _MILKY WAY  galaxy.
h)      Name of the 10th planet- ERIS
i)        Shape of the earth- GEOID
j)        Name of brightest planet-VENUS
k)      Name of hottest planet-MERCURY
l)        Sideways planet- URANUS
m)    Coldest planet-NEPTUNE
n)      Other name of new moon day-AMAVASYA

III] Give answer to following questions in short.
a)      What is photosphere?
Ans - This is the outer layer of the Sun that is visible to us. This is where the light we see from the Sun originates.
b)     How much time light takes to reach earth from the sun?
Ans – The light from the sun reaches the Earth in about 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
c)      What do you mean by Planet day?
Ans – One rotation of the planet on its own axis is completed in the time period of one planet day.
d)     Do gas giants have rocks too?
Ans – They have very small rocky cores.
e)      How much time moon takes to revolve around the earth?
Ans – The moon completes one revolution around the Earth in 27 days and 8 hours.
f)       When will the Halley’s Comet be seen again?
Ans – It was last seen in 1986 and it appears after every 76 years. So, it will be seen now in 2062.
IV] Give answers in detail:
a)      Briefly explain why earth is suitable for life to exist.
Ans – The favourable conditions that facilitate life on the Earth are as follows:
1)      Atmosphere that surrounds the Earth.
2)      Moderate temperature
3)      Ozone layer in the atmosphere that protects living things from harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the Sun.
4)      Presence of adequate amount of fresh water.
5)      Suitable seasons and weather conditions.

b)     Write down points of differences between Stars and Planets.
Self – luminous bodies. They emit their own light and heat.
Non- luminous bodies. They only reflect the light received from the Sun.
Made up of hot and burning gases.
Made up of solid materials.
Very large in size.
Comparatively smaller in size.
Move around the centre of the galaxy.
Move around a star, the Sun

c)      If moon is revolving around the sun, then why do we see same side of the moon from the surface of the earth?
Ans – The time taken by the Moon to rotate on its axis is same as of its revolution around the Earth( 27 days 8 hour) so, we always see the same side of the Moon from the Earth.

d)     Draw a diagram showing different phases of moon and explain briefly about each of these phases.
Ans - Phases of the moon: different shapes and sizes of the moon visible at night
during the month
 Waxing: growing period of the moon
 Waning: shrinking period of the moon
 Crescent phase (waxing):: first visible phase
 First Quarter Phase (waxing): : the phase after the crescent phase
 Gibbous phase (waxing): the phase between the first quarter and the full moon
 Full moon: when the moon appears full in the sky
Then onwards, the moon starts disappearing passing through waning gibbous and crescent phase.
New moon day is when moon does not receive sunlight and we are not able to see the moon.

e)      What is the difference between meteors, asteroids, meteorites and meteoroids?
Ans – Asteroids – also known as planetoids
 small celestial bodies similar to planets
 revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit
 lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
 this region is called the asteroid belt.
Meteoroids – these are pieces of rocks moving with high speed around the Sun.
Meteors – When meteoroids come near the Earth, they are pulled by gravity. On entering the Earth’s atmosphere they produce heat and light and are known as meteors or shooting stars.
Meteorites – Meteors fall on the Earth’s surface causing huge dents or craters. These rock fragments are called meteorites.

f)       What is the difference between a comet and shooting stars?
Ans – Comets are huge lumps made up of snow and rocky dust which follows its own elliptical orbit around the sun.
Shooting stars are meteoroids which produce light when they enter in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Draw the phases of the moon
Draw the solar system

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