Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Early Humans--W S

QI . Choose the correct answer:
1. The British naturalist,Charles Darwin wrote the book ‘The Descendant of Man’ (1871).
a. Arthur Adams b. Michel Adanson
c. Charles Darwin d. Alfred William Alcock

2. ‘Ardi’ is the name given to a skeleton excavated from the Ethiopian desert.
a. Ethiopian b. Australian
c. Mexican d. Indian

3. Much of the human evolution occurred in the continent of
Africa ..
a. America b. Australia
c. Antarctica d. Africa

4. The Mesolithic man used advanced flint tools called the
a. megalith b. microliths
c. electron spin d. fossils

5. The people from Central India were called the Malwa people..
a. Aborigines b Chalcolithic
c. Hunsgi d Malwa

QII Imagine you are wandering in the Chalcolithic age. Write three things that you would find in this period and draw the images.
Animals- cattle, sheep, goats,
Metal artefacts
Rectangular or circular houses
Painted pottery

QIII Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions.
Picture A Picture B
1. Name the above discoveries – Picture A - Fire
Picture B - Wheel
2. Who made these discoveries – Picture A – The Paleolithic Man
Picture B - Neolithic Man
3. How were they used?
Picture A: Fire provided light and kept them warm. It was also
used to scare wild animals and helped to cook.
Picture B:The wheel was used to make pottery, transportation
of heavy objects as well as humans.

4. Give one way in which we make use of the fire and the wheel.
Fire: Fire is used to cook food
Wheel is used to run machines and vehicles
QIV Mention two similarities between the Paleolithic and the
Mesolithic age.
1. The Paleolithic and Neolithic man, both were food gatherers
and hunterers.
2. Both wore barks of trees, leaves and animal skins to protect
themselves from heat cold and rain.
QV Answer the questions related to the picture given below:
1. This picture depicts which period.
This picture depicts the Stone Age or the Paleolithic Age.
2. Where are the people living?
The people are living in a cave
3. What is fire being used for?
The fire is being used for cooking.
4. What are the men in the cave doing?
One of the men in the cave is making stone tools and the
other is making a cave painting.

QVI Complete the following chart:
The Aborigines of AustraliaAborigines of Australia
Where did they live
They lived in the desert, inland non-desert areas, the coast and Tasmania.
They ate fruit.In the desert they ate insects,birds, reptiles and mammals.On the coast they ate roots,fruits, small animals, reptiles, fish and shell fish.
Role of man and woman
Men were custodians, tool makers and hunters. Women took care of the children, and gathered and fixed their food.

QVII Given below are sentences related to the Mesolithic Age.
Read them and write what change took place with respect to
these in the Neolithic Age.

1. Man lived in simple houses made of straw.
Man lived in houses made up of sun dried and burnt brick.

2. They wore barks of trees, leaves and animal skin.
They developed the art of spinning and wore clothes made of
wool and linen.

3. Hunting and food gathering were the main occupations.
Cultivation of crops and domestication of animals started in

the Neolithic

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