Friday, December 18, 2015

English W.S. Machu Picchu –

CBSE Std. VI Term II English Machu Picchu – An Engineering Wonder
Date ___________ Machu Picchu – An Engineering Wonder
I. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences given below:
1. Parents need to take initiative with their child's after-school programs.
2. The scene was one of breathtaking beauty.
3. The gardens are notable for their collection of roses and lilies.
4. The new bridge is an engineering marvel.
5. It was hard to read his expression in the waning light.
6. The reconstruction of the living room was expensive.
II. Choose the correct option:
1. The seven wonders of the world are chosen from a selection of _______________.
a. some rare books
b. 200 existing monuments
c. the most notable places
d. 2000 famous buildings
2. In the native language Quechua, Machu Picchu means _______________.
a. ‘Old peak’
b. ‘Old valley’
c. ‘Old roads’
d. None of the above
3. According to archaeologists, Machu Picchu was built _______________.
a. to conserve the Incan culture
b. as a retreat for the Incan emperor, Pachacuti
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
4. The city Vilcabamba became famous as _______________.
a. Machu Picchu
b. a marvel of engineering
c. a world Heritage site
d. the Lost City of the Incas
notable initiative waning marvel
reconstruction breathtaking
CBSE Std. VI Term II English Machu Picchu – An Engineering Wonder
5. The Peruvian government has set limits on the number of tourists visiting Machu
Picchu because ______________________________.
a. of fears of environmental degradation
b. Peru is prone to earthquakes
c. restoration of the site continues all the time
d. none of the above
III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
1. “It is due to the incredible civil engineering techniques that many of the best
known buildings at Machu Picchu have remained standing till date.”
a. With what is Machu Picchu constructed?
Machu Picchu is constructed using excavated granite stone.
b. What special building technique did the Incas
have expertise in?
The Incas were skilled in using a building technique
called ‘ashlar’ in which blocks of stone are cut so
precisely as to fit together tightly without mortar.
c. Inspite of being located in an earthquake prone region, many buildings at
Machu Picchu remain standing. How is it possible?
When an earthquake occurs, the stones in the buildings are said to bounce
through the tremors and then fall back into place. Thus inspite of being located in
an earthquake prone region, many buildings at Machu Picchu remain standing.
2. “The New Seven Wonders of the world is those that have captured the interest of
travellers and interest of historians alike.”
a. What was the purpose of starting the New seven wonders of the world?
The New seven wonders of the world was started to revive the concept of the
Seven wonders of the Ancient world and to choose another set from a selection of
200 existing monuments.
b. What is unique about each of the seven wonders?
Each of the new seven wonders of the world is a masterpiece in itself. They are
the realization of some great dreams, display of some great skills and great
c. Name any two wonders of the world.
The Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Petra, Christ – the redeemer, The Roman
Colosseum, Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu
CBSE Std. VI Term II English Machu Picchu – An Engineering Wonder
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. How did little Sia know about Machu Picchu?
Little Sia knew about Machu Picchu through the poster on the main school bulletin
board about the new wonders of the world.
2. What is Machu Picchu?
Machu Picchu is a 15th century Inca site located on a ridge between the Huayna
Picchu and the Machu Picchu mountains in Peru.
3. How can one reach Machu Picchu?
There are two ways to get to Machu Picchu; by train or trekking. The climb is
strenuous but offers extraordinary views.
V. Answer briefly:
1. When and how was Machu Picchu discovered?
When the explorer, Hiram Bingham III came upon Machu Picchu in 1911, he was
looking for a different city, Vilcabamba. Bingham was of the opinion that both the
cities were the same. This theory was proved wrong in 1956 when the real
Vilacabamba is now believed to have been built in the jungle about 80 km west
of Machu Picchu.
VI. Pretend that you are emperor Pachacuti. You have all the resources and
manpower of the Inca empire at your disposal. What kind of empire would you
build? Would you build your new house on a mountain or you would choose a
different location?
Draw your estate and describe it here.
(Student Specific)
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Disclaimer: This worksheet answer key has hints and suggestions for teachers’
reference only. Some answers may be in points or key words; however the students
are expected to write complete answers. This answer key should not be displayed in
the classroom.

English W.S.The Windmill

CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Windmill
Date ___________ The Windmill
I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box given below:
1. I could hear the melodious chant of the monks early in the morning.
2. The giant hungrily devoured the array of dishes laid on the table.
3. His work was praised by friends and foes alike.
4. The congregation sways, hands aloft.
5. I saw him pick up the debris and fling it away.
II. Choose the correct option:
1. What does the windmill do to the maize, wheat and the rye?
a. It turns them into flour.
b. It eats them up.
c. It turns them into garbage.
d. It throws them away.
2. Who is the windmill’s master?
a. A giant
b. A brave man
c. A farmer
d. A miller
3. What does the windmill do on Sundays?
a. It devours all the flour.
b. It works hard.
c. It rests.
d. It meets its foe.
4. Which figure of speech has the poet used throughout the poem to describe the
a. Simile
b. Repetition
c. Metaphor
d. Personification
aloft devoured fling
foe melodious
CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Windmill
III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
1. ‘Behold! a giant am I!
Aloft here in my tower,
With my granite jaws I devour
The maize, and the wheat, and the rye,
And grind them into flour.’
a. Who says the above lines?
The windmill says the above lines.
b. What does the windmill do in its tower?
In its tower the windmill grinds all the maize, wheat and rye into flour.
c. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following lines:
i. Behold! a giant am I!
Metaphor: The windmill is compared to a giant for poetic effect.
ii. With my granite jaws I devour
Personification: The windmill is given the animate quality of devouring.
d. What is the rhyme scheme of the above stanza? Give the rhyming words.
The rhyme scheme is abbab.
Rhyming words are I – rye, tower – devour – flour.
2. And while we wrestle and strive,
My master, the miller, stands
And feeds me with his hands;
For he knows who makes him thrive,
Who makes him lord of lands.
a. What does the miller do?
The miller feeds the windmill with his hands.
b. How does the windmill make the miller lord of lands?
The windmill works hard all day by continuously grinding grain into flour. The miller
thrives on this flour. Thus the windmill makes the miller lord of lands.
c. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following lines:
i. My master, the miller, stands
Alliteration: The sound of ‘m’ is repeated for poetic effect.
ii. Who makes him lord of lands
Hyperbole: this is an overstatement.
d. What is the rhyme scheme of the above stanza? Give the rhyming words.
The rhyme scheme is abbab.
Rhyming words are strive – thrive, stands – hands – lands.
CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Windmill
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. How does the windmill deal with the wind?
The windmill stands rock steady at its place. Whichever way the wind goes, the
windmill meets it face to face just like a brave man meets his foe.
2. Describe a Sunday for the windmill.
The windmill rests on Sunday. When the church bells start ringing in their
melodious sound, the windmill experiences peace within.
V. Explain the windmill’s routine.
Every day the windmill helps his master by grinding flour. He knows that he is his
master’s way of earning. He says without him his master cannot live. He is a very
important thing in the life of his master. He says that only on Sundays he has no
work to do and he rests and listens to the church bells.
VI. Imagine yourself to be the miller. Write in your own words how grateful you are to
the windmill for helping you all the while.
Personal Response
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Disclaimer: This worksheet answer key has hints and suggestions for teachers’
reference only. Some answers may be in points or key words; however the students
are expected to write complete answers. This answer key should not be displayed in
the classroom.

English W.S.The Village Schoolmaster

CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Village Schoolmaster
Date ___________ The Village Schoolmaster
I. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences given below:
1. Avi himself was at this season stricken down by a severe illness.
2. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd.
3. The use of iron for arms finally triumphed over bronze.
4. The man frowned and gave me a stern look.
5. The mines became increasingly unprofitable.
6. John was gazing up at Sheila with an adoring expression.
II. Choose the correct option:
1. The students had learnt to trace …
a. the school master’s mood
b. what subject the school master was going to teach
c. the jokes the school master was going to crack
d. none of the above
2. Which of the following were the expertises of the village schoolmaster?
a. work out sums
b. survey land
c. measure the content of a vessel
d. all of the above
3. The teacher was a taskmaster who took his students to task if they …
a. didn’t complete the day’s work
b. played truant
c. were late to school
d. didn’t bring lunch
III. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
1. A man severe he was, and stern to view,
I knew him well, and every truant knew;
Well had the boding tremblers learn’d to trace
The day’s disasters in his morning face.
a. Who says the above lines?
The poet, Oliver Gold Smith says the above lines.
b. Whom did all the truants know?
All the truants knew the schoolmaster.
unprofitable, severe, frowned, amazed, gazing, triumphed
CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Village Schoolmaster
c. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line:
I knew him well, and every truant knew;
Repetition: The word ‘knew’ is repeated for poetic effect.
2. In arguing too the parson owned his skill,
For even though vanquished, he could argue still;
While words of learned length and thund’ring sound
Amazed the gazing rustics rang’d around.
a. Who is “he” in the above lines?
‘He’ is the village school master.
b. What is the “skill” that the parson had?
The parson, just like the schoolmaster had very good oratory skills.
c. What is the rhyme scheme of the above stanza? Give the rhyming words.
The rhyme scheme is aabb.
Rhyming words are skill – still, sound – around.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. Where was the ‘little school’ situated? How does the poet describe the School?
The little school is situated in a small village. It was situated next to the irregular
fence that fringed the village path with full blossomed, beautiful but ornamental
2. What was the reaction of the villagers when the parson and the school master
The villagers stood round the two debaters and witnessed the verbal duel. They
were awestruck when they heard the incomprehensible words used by the school
master. They wondered how his small head could keep that enormous hoard of
3. How did the students adapt themselves to the varying moods of the school
The students were afraid of the school master and were sufficiently clever to
assess from his face whether that day would bring any misfortune or not. The
children laughed at his jokes with pretended joy. If they noticed any sign of anger
on his face they would spread the news throughout the classroom.
V. Answer briefly:
1. The school master was ‘skilled to rule’- What according to you, are the skills of a
teacher that enable him/her to successfully rule the school?
Student Specific
CBSE Std. VI Term II English The Village Schoolmaster
VI. What kind of relationship existed between the poet and his school master? Do
you think the same is reflected in present day student- teacher relationship?
Student Specific
VII. Write a letter to your favourite teacher sharing what is it that you learnt from him/
Student Specific
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Disclaimer: This worksheet answer key has hints and suggestions for teachers’
reference only. Some answers may be in points or key words; however the students
are expected to write complete answers. This answer key should not be displayed in
the classroom.

English Work Sheets(Dhyan Chand)

Date _________________

 'The Wizard' - Major Dhyan Chand
I. Tick the correct option.
1. If you are writing an autobiography, you will most likely write the story of …
a. your own life
b. friend’s life
c. a famous personality
d. a military person
2. If you manage to scrape enough money for a cause, means you have…
a. lot of money
b. very less money
c. no money
d. just enough money
3. A host is a person who…
a. participates in an event
b. wins an event
c. organizes an event
d. loses an event
4. If an object is elevated, it will…
a. remain on the ground
b. remain mid air
c. be suspended in air
d. be carried in an elevator
II. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
1. “You are doubtless aware that I am a common man and a soldier. It has been my
training from my very childhood to avoid limelight and publicity.”
a. Who said the above lines and to whom?
These were the opening words in the autobiography of Major Dhyan Chand titled
b. What has been Major Dhyan Chand’s training from childhood?
It has been Major Dhyan Chand’s training from very childhood to avoid limelight
and publicity.
c. What was his firm belief?
His firm belief was that to be a good man one has to be a good player.
CBSE Std. VI Term II English 'The Wizard' - Major Dhyan Chand
III. Answer the following.
1. Why was he called ‘Chand’ by his friends?
Dhyan joined the Indian Army at the age of sixteen. He used to practise playing
hockey during the night, after his duty hours. He waited for the moon to come out
as the visibility in the field (back then, there were no flood lights) improved. Hence,
he was called ‘Chand’, by his fellow players.
2. How did Dhyan Chand and Roop Singh deal with the alteration of the field in New
In the last match in New Zealand, the home side altered the hockey field
conditions. They cut the grass only in the ‘D’- area near the goal posts, but let the
long grass remain in the rest of the field. Dhyan Chand and Roop Singh changed
their style of playing. Instead of letting the ball touch the ground, they kept it on
their sticks mid-air. Controlling the elevated ball with their stick, they scored 5
IV. Answer briefly:
1. How was Dhyan Chand honoured for his contribution towards the game?
August 29, Dhyan Chand’s birthday, is celebrated as National Sports Day in India.
The President gives away sport-related awards such as the Rajiv Gandhi Khel
Ratna, Arjuna Award and Dronacharya Award on this day at the Rashtrapati
Bhavan, India. India’s highest award for lifetime achievement in sports is the Dhyan
Chand Award which started in 2002. It is awarded annually to sporting figures who
not only contribute through their performance but also contribute to the sport after
their retirement. The National Stadium, Delhi was renamed Dhyan Chand National
Stadium in 2002 in his honour. He was also conferred with the ‘Gem of India’ award
in 2012 posthumously. Dhyan Chand received honours not only in India but also in
other parts of the world.
2. Which awards does the President give away on August 29th? Why?
The President gives away sport-related awards such as the Rajiv Gandhi Khel
Ratna, Arjuna Award and Dronacharya Award on August 29th at the Rashtrapati
Bhavan, India. This day, which is Dhyan Chand’s birthday, is celebrated as National
Sports Day in India.
CBSE Std. VI Term II English 'The Wizard' - Major Dhyan Chand
V. Though having great legacy Dhyan Chand died in AIIMS, Delhi in a general ward,
which is a tough fact to digest.
Do you think the Indian Government was ignorant towards Dhyan Chand or
towards hockey as a whole? Do cricket and football players undergo the same
treatment as Hockey players? Express your views.
Student Specific

Friday, December 11, 2015

ENGLISH --CT 3 --Question Bank

Question Bank  Cycle Test – 3 (2015-16)
Std: VI
Subject: English
I. Read the following passage carefully.
For ages, sailors have said that it is good luck to see dolphins swimming
alongside boats. Their presence meant that land was near, which would be vital
information if a boat and her crew were in danger. These unique and
fascinating creatures have long been known as our friends.
Dolphins are not fish but actually mammals. They are related to whales
and porpoises, and they evolved around 10 million years ago. Dolphins breathe
air, give birth to young ones, and feed them mil k. They are social animals, living
together in groups called pods or schools.
Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of their playfulness,
curiosity, and quick ability to learn. They seem to communicate with each other
through a combination of squeaks, whistles, and clicks. While scientists don't
know what they are going on about, it is thought that dolphins are telling each
other that food is nearby, or warning each other of approaching danger.
Dolphins use sonar to discover an object's size, shape, and location. By sending
out a series of clicks and receiving the echo that bounces off the object, they
can differentiate between a shark and a boat.
Unfortunately, dolphins have faced increasing danger in recent years.
Fishermen in pursuit of profitable tuna may accidentally trap dolphins in their
nets, killing them in the process. These intelligent mammals of the sea deserve
our protection and respect.
Complete the following sentences.
1. Dolphins are actually ______________.
2. Dolphins communicate with each other through a combination of ___________.
3. The presence of dolphins alongside boats means _________________________.
4. Dolphins deserve our _______________________.
5. Dolphins are social animals, living together in groups called __________________.
6. Dolphins discover an object's size, shape, and location with the help of _______.
7. Dolphins are not fish but ____________________________.
8. Dolphins breathe air, give birth to young ones and _________________________.
II. A. Read the following passage carefully.
The earth is losing its forests. Presently, trees cover about 30 percent of the
earth's surface, but they are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Timber
harvesting is a major reason for the destruction of the forests. At least 40
hectares of rainforest are being felled every minute, mostly in order to extract
the valuable timber.
Another way that man is destroying the world's forests is by burning them down.
The main reason for this is to clear the land for farming. Farmers in rainforest
countries are often poor and cannot afford to buy land. Instead, they clear
rainforest land to raise their animals or grow their crops. Already more than thirty
tropical countries have reached a critical level of forest destruction.
Healthy trees are a vital part of the environment, and keep the entire balance
of the atmosphere agreeable to all life forms. Forests ar e catchment areas for
rainwater. Furthermore, the forests help maintai n the water cycles in the area.
Thus, the destruction of forests may also lead to a reduction in rainfall over the
area, resulting in drought. Forests also protect and feed the soil. Tees curb soil
Apart from preventing soil erosion and landslides, forests, with their abundant
supply of leaves, give compost back to the land, thus helping it to remain fertile.
The leaves of the trees and the droppings of the birds, animals and insects
which live in them, fall to the ground, where they decay and replenish the soil
with mulch, minerals and manure.
Forests are rich in flora and fauna. The rainforests are home to over half of the
entire species of the world. Plants and creatures are god's gift to us and they
serve mankind, each in its own way.
Answer the questions in brief:
1. State two main ways that forests are being destroyed.
2. How do trees contribute towards the fertility of the soil ?
3. Why are healthy trees a vital part of the environment?
Find words from the passage which are similar in meaning to the words by
choosing the correct option:
1. alarming (para 1)a)worrying or disturbing
b)alarm clock
c)ringing the bell
d)waking early
2. critical (para 2)a)of serious concern
c)to criticize
d)to sell something
3. vital (para 3)a)serious
c)very important
4. replenish (para 4)a)suspicion
III. Writing:
1. Write a letter to your class teacher to grant you leave for seven days. State
appropriate reasons for the same.
2. Your friend from another city has sent you an email inviting you to spend the
Diwali vacation with him/ her. Reply to the email accepting the invitation.
3. You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are
very excited. The night before the trip you sit down to write in your diary.
Describe what you have planned for the picnic and how you hope to enjoy
yourself there.
IV. Grammar
Identify the kind of the underlined adverbs:
1. The thief entered the shop stealthily.
a. Adverb of degree
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of place
d. Interrogative adverb
2. Rajiv found ripe mangoes in the orchard daily.
a. Adverb of frequency
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of place
a. Interrogative adverb
3. We must contribute for the class magazine regularly.
a. Adverb of degree
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of place
a. Adverb of frequency
4. Yesterday they gave me space to sit.
a. Adverb of degree
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of time
a. Adverb of frequency
5. Where is the book I wanted?
a. Adverb of degree
b. Adverb of manner
c. Adverb of place
a. Interrogative adverb
Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverb from the brackets :
1. I ___________ agree with my friends. (full/ fully)2. The boys were ______________ chatting away. (continuously/ often)3. He ran __________ fast. (very/ every)
4. I complete my homework ____________. (hardly/ daily)5. I have been dining ____________ for the last five years. (beautifully/ here)
Put the words in brackets into the correct order.
1. She _______________ understanding him. (has often difficulty )2. You _______________ in advance. (usually have to pay )3. She _______________ on the phone. (always is polite )4. She _______________ work last year. (rarely very was at)5. Unfortunately, _____________ to fly to Australia. (always been has it expensive)
Identify the type of the underlined adjective.
1. Ramon won the first prize for the elocution competition.
a. adjective of quality
b. adjective of number
c. demonstrative adjective
d. possessive adjective
2. Shyama was wearing a blue dress.
a. adjective of quality
b. adjective of number
c. demonstrative adjective
d. possessive adjective
3. Try using this camera to click pictures.
a. adjective of quality
b. adjective of number
c. demonstrative adjective
d. possessive adjective
4. What assignment did I miss out on?
a. adjective of quality
b. adjective of number
c. interrogative adjective
d. possessive adjective
5. Most boys like cricket.
a. adjective of quantity
b. adjective of number
c. demonstrative adjective
d. possessive adjective
Identify the correct form of adverbs:
a. angerful
b. angerfully
c. anger
d. angrily
a. stud
b. studying
c. studiously
d. studious
a. cautiously
b. cautiousness
c. cautiousnessly
d. cautiate
a. base
b. basisly
c. basely
d. basically
Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions:
1. Simi’s train _________ Kolkata to Mumbai took more than 30 hours.
a. at
b. from
c. upon
d. by
2. I don't like walking alone in the streets __________ night.
a. from
b. upon
c. by
d. at
a. wisdom
b. wisdomly
c. wisely
d. wises
3. Hiking __________ the peak can be dangerous.
a. from
b. upon
c. by
d. to
4. There is a bridge _____________ the river.
a. around
b. for
c. over
d. in
5. Who is the person ________ this picture?
a. around
b. for
c. over
d. in
Fill in the blanks with correct conjunctions.
1. I need to work hard ____________ I can pass the exam.
a. since
b. so that
c. so
d. where
2. ___________ he was the best candidate, he didn't win the elections.
a. Since
b. So that
c. So
d. Where
3. ____________ you come back from your trip, we'll meet to discuss the problem.
a. Although
b. And
c. But
d. When
4. They said that the movie was fantastic, _______ I watched it.
a. so
b. where
c. but
d. when
5. ___________ he was very ill, he didn't take any medicine.
a. Although
b. And
c. But
d. When
Choose the correctly punctuated sentences.
1. a. Yes, Jim said, I'll be home by ten.
b. “Yes”, Jim said, “I’ll be home by ten”.
c. “yes, Jim said, I’ll be home by ten”.
d. Yes jim said, I’ll be home by ten
2. The following are the primary colours: red, blue, and yellow.
The following are the primary colours red blue and yellow.
the following are the primary colours: red, blue, and yellow
The following are the primary colours, red blue and yellow
3. a. Spain is a beautiful country; the beach's are warm, sandy and spotlessly
b. Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly
c. Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly
d. Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly
4. a. I can't see Tim's car, there must have been an accident.
b. I cant see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.
c. I can't see Tim's car there must have been an accident.
d. I can't see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.
5. a. That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this month's winner.
b. That tall man Paul's grandad is this month's winner.
c. That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this months winner.
d. That tall man, Pauls grandad, is this month's winner.
Choose the correct question tag for each of the following sentences:
1. You wanted that, ___________?
a. would you
b. didn't you
c. wouldn't you
d. do you
2. He didn’t see that, ______________?
a. is he
b. won't he
c. did he
d. doesn't he
3. You know that's right, ____________?
a. would you
b. wouldn't you
c. don't you
d. didn't you
4. He will not be coming, _____________?
a. is he
b. did he
c. doesn't he
d. will he
5. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten, _____________?
a. didn't you
b. wouldn't you
c. don't you
d. do you
Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word.
1. He is tall but his brother is __________.
a. short
b. big
c. huge
d. hungry
2. It is hot outside so I want ________ coffee.
a. breezy
b. cold
c. stormy
d. warm
3. That dress seems expensive but the other one is ____________.
a. wealthy
b. overpriced
c. great
d. inexpensive
4. I do not want to live in this filthy colony. The one on the other street is __________.
a. nice
b. dirty
c. clean
d. pretty
5. Why are you being so arrogant? Try to be ______________.
a. snooty
b. stupid
c. humble
d. cunning
V. Literature
Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
1. After India played its first match in the 1936 Olympics, Dhyan Chand’s game
drew crowds to the hockey field. The next day, there were posters all over Berlin.
‘Visit the hockey stadium to watch the Indian magician Dhyan Chand in
a. When did the Indian Hockey team reach Berlin?
b. Why was Dhyan Chand called ‘The Indian Magician’?
c. Identify the word which means ‘to attract’.
2. It is due to the incredible civil engineering techniques that many of the best
known buildings at Machu Picchu have remained standing till date.
a. Give two instances which depict the incredible engineering techniques of
Machu Picchu.
b. What technique was used to place the stones in Machu Picchu?
c. Find the word which is an antonym for ‘unknown’.
3. A man severe he was, and stern to view,
I knew him well, and every truant knew;
Well had the boding tremblers learn’d to trace
The days disasters in his morning face;
a. What kind of a man was the village schoolmaster?
b. Name and explain the figure of speech in the first line of the stanza.
c. Give the meaning of the word ‘truant’.
4. I stand here in my place,
With my foot on the rock below,
And whichever way it may blow,
I meet it face to face,
As a brave man meets his foe.
a. How does the windmill face the wind?
b. Identify the rhyme scheme of the stanza. Give any one pair of rhyming
c. Explain the line “I stand here in my place”.
VI. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.
1. ‘The Wizard’- Major Dhyan Chand
a. What are the opening words of the autobiography of Major Dhyan Chand
titled ‘Goal!’?
b. Why is Major Dhyan Chand considered the greatest field hockey player of all
c. Why could Dhyan Chand attend school only for six years?
d. Why was Dhyan’s hockey stick broken and checked by the Dutch
e. The brothers Dhyan Chand and Roop Singh were named ‘The Hockey Twins’.
2. Machu Pichu – An Engineering Wonder
a. Why was the concept of ‘The New Seven Wonders of the World’ started?
b. What factors were kept in mind while deciding the new Seven Wonders of
the World?
c. How did little Sia know about Machu Pichu?
d. How do we know that Machu Pichu was not constructed for military
e. How can one reach Machu Pichu?
3. The Village Schoolmaster
a. What impression did the students have of the school master ?
b. Why were the village folk in awe of the school master ?
c. What do you understand from these lines?
‘The love he bore to learning was in fault ’
d. The poet regards the schoolmaster with love and affection. Justify.
e. Do you think the students really disrespected the schoolmaster? Explain.
4. The Windmill
a. What work does the windmill do?
b. How does the windmill suggest that it is human?
c. How is the windmill important for the miller?
d. Explain the lines:
I cross my arms on my breast,
And all is peace within.
e. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line:
‘Their low, melodious din’
VII. Answer the following questions in about 60 – 80 words.
1. In the Chapter ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, how do we know that Fritz has great
presence of mind?
2. In the Chapter ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, describe the narrator’s family’s
reaction on his return from the shipwreck.
3. In the Chapter ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, the narrator and his family built a
bridge across the river. Explain the process.

Thursday, December 10, 2015 Notes --MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION

1. Name the three types of urban bodies.
Ans: Three types of urban bodies are:
1) NAGAR PANCHAYATS: areas in transition from a rural area to urban area.
2) MUNICIPAL COUNCILS: smaller urban areas.
3) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS: large urban areas.

2. Discuss the role of municipal councillor.
Ans: 1.He is accountable for the overall improvement of the ward.
       2. He is responsible for providing basic amenities to residents of the ward.

3. Draw the structure of municipal corporation.
4. Write the Mandatory and Voluntary functions of Municipal Corporation.
·      Supply of pure and wholesome water.
·      Construction and maintenance of public streets.
·      Lighting and watering of public streets.
·      Cleaning of public streets, places and sewers.
·      Regulation of offensive, dangerous or obnoxious trades and callings or practices.
·      Maintenance or support of public hospitals; establishment and maintenance of primary schools.
·      Registration of births and deaths; removing obstructions and projections in public streets, bridges and other places.
·      Naming streets and numbering houses.
·      Construction and maintenance of public parks, gardens, libraries, museums, rest houses, leper homes, orphanages and rescue homes for women.
·       Planting and maintenance of roadside and other trees.
·      Housing for low income groups.
·      Conducting surveys.
·      Organizing public receptions, public exhibitions, public entertainment; provision of transport facilities with the municipality.
·      Promotion of welfare of municipal employees.

5. Write the various sources of income of Municipal Corporation.
Ans: Sources of income of Municipal Corporation are:
1. Taxes:               A. Toll tax
                               B.Octroi tax
2. Grants
6. Write the objectives of MHRA.
Ans: Objectives of MHRA are:
1) Bringing together members, individuals, housing societies as well as buildings within clearly defined geographical limit6s, for the propose of improving the quality of services and facilities. It was formed on April 9, 2005.
2) Creating awareness towards civic rights which cover basic fundamental principles of cleanliness and hygiene.
3) It ensures a hawking zone to maintain overall cleanliness and consequently achieving traffic decongestion.
4) It keeps a check on segregation and collection of dry and wet waste from the area by a sustained campaign.
5) It takes care of free supply of garbage bags to the housing societies.
6) Regular interaction with police station is conducted to guarantee security and safety.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Computer - Cycle Test 3 - ITKT

Note :- 
for better exam preparation students are suggested  to refer textbook and work book along with this material.

Cycle Test - 3 - Computer Syllabus
Chapter - 4 - Introduction to HTML

Chapter - 5 - Windows Movie Maker 6.0

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Administration

Air- The Envelope of Life

Q.1  Do plants respire all the time? Compare the rate of respiration and rate of photosynthesis in a day.
Ans - Plants respire all the time because their cells need energy to stay alive, but plants can only photosynthesis when they are in the light. During day time photosynthesis is more in comparison to respiration, In dim light rate of respiration and photosynthesis are equal and at night respiration is dominant.

Q2. All living beings consume oxygen, it can lead to depletion of oxygen level. Yes or No? give reason for your answer.
Ans – No, because oxygen released during photosynthesis is much more than the oxygen consumed in respiration, the net oxygen is sufficient to support and sustain all life forms of life.

Q3. From where does the Saturn’s moon Dione got oxygen?
Ans – According to study, the oxygen atmosphere on this moon is most likely a product of space particles and surface ice.

Q4. Give reason: ‘Solid carbon dioxide is called as dry ice.’
Ans – On heating, solid carbon dioxide changes directly into gas getting into the liquid form. That’s is why solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice.

Q5. What are the advantages of CNG?
Ans – CNG (compressed natural gas) is a fuel used as a substitute for petrol and diesel. It is a clean alternative to these fuels. It is low in pollutants, economical and available in abundance.

Q6. Why do mountaineers have difficulty in breathing while climbing?
Ans - When we breathe in air at sea level, the atmospheric pressure causes oxygen to easily pass through lung membranes into the blood.  At high altitudes, the lower air pressure makes it more difficult for oxygen to enter our vascular systems.

Q7. Why do helium balloons floats in air?
Ans - The helium balloon displaces an amount of air (just like the empty bottle displaces an amount of water). As long as the helium plus theballoon is lighter than the air it displaces, the balloon will float in theair. It turns out that helium is a lot lighter than air.

Q8. Name the gas that is referred to as ‘laughing gas’.
Ans – Nitrous oxide (N2O) is known as laughing gas.

Q9. Draw a labeled diagram to show composition of air.
Ans -  

Q 10. Ravi while driving, switch off the engine of his car at red traffic light. What value is shown by Ravi.

Ans – He showed care for environment, responsible individual to avoid air and sound pollution and saving valuable fuel.