Tuesday, May 5, 2015



A notice should be written in the following format:

a)the name of the organization issuing the notice
b) the title ‘NOTICE’
c)the date
d)a heading to introduce the subject of the notice
e)the body of the notice
 f)the writer’s signature, name (in block letters) and designation

DELHI POLICE (The organization issuing the notice)


1st July, 2014 (Date)

TRAFFIC ADVISORY (The title of the notice)

In view of the continuing dense fog, the vehicle drivers and pedestrians are cautioned to show extreme restraint and alertness while using the road. Please drive slowly and keep the blinkers & fog lamps on. Pedestrians are requested to
use the footpath and zebra crossing. Remember ‘Safety Saves’. (Content/Body)

Rounak Prasad (Name and Signature)

(Commissioner – Traffic) (Designation)




The subject of the sentence is found in the beginning of a sentence. It tells who or what the sentence is about.
The Predicate is the action part or it tells what the subject is or does.

The following group of words is a mixture of complete and incomplete sentences.

Complete the incomplete sentences and add correct punctuation to all the sentences.
1. Donna thought of ...
2. Everywhere I go...
3. He closed the door...
4. The yellow raincoat...
5. English grammar is tedious...

What do the sentences below, in the conversation tell you?
Shailesh and his father were standing near the snakes’ enclosure in the zoo.
(gives information in a statement)
Shailesh: What a beautiful hood that snake has!
(shows surprise and wonder)
Father: It is a king cobra. King cobras have magnificent hoods.
(gives information in a statement)
Shailesh: Is a king cobra poisonous?
(asks questions)
Father: Yes, it is. It is one of the most poisonous snakes. But most snakes are not poisonous. (gives information in a statement)
Shailesh: Show me some non – poisonous snakes. (orders, requests)
Sentences that tell something or make a statement are declarative sentences. They end with a full stop.
 Sentences that ask a question are Interrogative sentences. They have a question mark at the end of each sentence. Sentences that make a command or tell someone to do something are Imperative sentences. They also end with a full stop.
Sentences that express a feeling and use an exclamation point at the end of a sentence are exclamatory sentences.

Notice how each of these words leaves you wanting more information:
Since you’ve been so good... (What? Will I get a present?)
Before you can go to the movies... (What do I need to do?)
Even though you washed the dishes... (What did I forget to do?)
All of these examples are dependent clauses because they all have a subject, a verb, and contain a subordinating conjunction.

Now look at these sentences. They give complete information.

I went to the movies last Saturday.
You washed the dishes.
He has eaten a hamburger.
All of these examples are independent clauses because they have a subject,a verb that matches it, and express a complete thought.

(Remember, these words when added to a complete sentence, make a dependent clause)after, although, as, as if, as long as, as though, because, before, eventhough, if, in order that, once, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though,till, unless, until, when, where, whereas, while,etc



gushed: flow of water in a rapid and plentiful stream
forth: forward
fairer: bright and light
outran: run or travel faster or further than
assured: confident
will: desire

Q1.What state of mind of the lame boy is depicted?
He was very sad.
Q2.Why is he lonely?
He has no playmates/friends.
Q3Where did all his playmates go?
To the magical land that the Pied Piper Promised.


I) I can’t forget that I’m bereft
Of all the pleasant sights they see,
Which the Piper also promised me.


Q1What can the lame boy not forget?
the lame boy did not forget that he was bereft of all the pleasant sights.

Q2What did the Pied Piper promise the children?
Beautiful pleasant sights.

Q3Why is the lame boy bereft of the pleasant sights?
As he is left alone in the town of Hamelin.

II) For he led us, he said, to a joyous land,
Joining the town and just at hand,
Where waters gushed and fruit-trees grew,
And flowers put forth a fairer hue,
And everything was strange and new;


Q1Where would the Pied Piper lead the children?
The Pied Piper led the children to a joyous land with pleasant sights.
Q2What is special about the flowers of the joyous land?
they are of varied and bright colours.
Q3Where was this new land situated?
The new land was situated very close to Hamelin.

III) The sparrows were brighter than peacocks here,
And their dogs outran our fallow deer,
And honey-bees had lost their stings,
And horses were born with eagles’ wings:


Q1What did the Pied Piper tell about the birds?
the sparrows were brighter than the peacocks.
Q2What happened to the honey bees?
They had lost their stings.
Q3What was special about the dogs?

They outran the deer.
My lame foot would be speedily cured,
The music stopped and I stood still,
And found myself outside the hill,


Q1What do you understand from the above  lines?
The lame boy was assured that his lame foot would be cured in this magical land. But as soon as he was about to reach the hill, the Pied Piper’s music stopped and he found himself left behind.

Q2What is the rhyme scheme in the above lines?
The rhyme scheme in the above lines -- a bb

Brief questions:
Q a)What strange things happen in this land?
There sparrows were brighter than peacocks, dogs outrun the deer, honeybees lose their stings, horses are born with eagle’s wings.
Q b)What was the lame boy sure of?
that his foot would be speedily cured .
Q C )What is the lame boy lamenting about?why?
The lame boy is lamenting for his loss. He was left behind against his will, limping just like before and will never hear of the magical country again.

fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the above bracket.

(will ,assure , outrun , gush, forth)
1. Water from the tank ________out and rapidly filled the ditch and truck cab.
2. Let me______ you it is one of the best out there.
3. The obligations of the trainee are clearly set______.
 4. He made me go against my____.

5. Information technology is going to _________ the capabilities of workers at nearly all levels.



What are stylistic devices?

In literature and writing, a figure of speech (also called stylistic device or rhetorical device) is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling.
Sometimes a word diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase has a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it. Examples are metaphor, simile, or personification


What is Personification?

Personification is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to an abstract quality, animal, or inanimate object.
·         Examples
·         My car tends to give up on long hills.
·         Summer's healing rays


A simile likens one thing to another (usually achieved by the use of the word like or as). For example:

·         He eats like a gannet.
·         This sandwich tastes like sawdust between two doormats.
·         She sings like an angel.
·         It's like water off a duck's back.

What is antithesis?

Antithesis is a figure of speech which refers to the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas. It involves the bringing out of a contrast in the ideas by an obvious contrast in the words, clauses, or sentences, within a parallel grammatical structure.
These are examples of antithesis:
·         "Man proposes, God disposes." - Source unknown.
·         "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong.
"To err is human; to forgive divine." - Alexander Pope

What is a metaphor?

Unlike simile, metaphor is language that directly compares unrelated subjects. It is a figure of speech that compares two or more things not using like or as. In the simplest case, this takes the form:
X - is - Y

Examples of metaphor:

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;

·         We don't need dinosaurs in this company.


What is an alliteration?

Alliteration is the repetition of initial sounds in neighboring words.
Alliteration draws attention to the phrase and is often used for emphasis.The initial consonant sound is usually repeated in two neighboring words although sometimes the repetition occurs also in words that are not neighbors.
·         sweet smell of success,
·         a dime a dozen,
·         bigger and better,


What is hyperbole?
Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally. Hyperboles are exaggerations to create emphasis or effect.
Examples of hyperbole include:
  • The bag weighed a ton.
  • I was so hungry; I could eat a horse!
  • She's older than the hills.
  • I have a million problems.
  • I'll die if I don't finish this crossword
What is understatement?

Understatement is a figure of speech used by writers or speakers to deliberately make a situation seem less important or serious than it really is.
Examples of understatement
  • "It stings a bit" - a soldier describing the pain he feels after he has just lost his leg.
  • "It has rained a little more than the average" - describing a flooded area.


Assonance is a figure of speech that is found more often in verse than in prose. It refers to the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences.

Examples of Assonance

These are some examples:
  • "the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain" - The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe
  • "The crumbling thunder of seas" - Robert Louis Stevenson
"That solitude which suits abstruser musings" - The Princess
What is tautology?
Tautology is a statement that says the same thing twice in different ways, or a statement that is unconditionally true by the way it is phrased.
Examples of tautology
  • Forward planning.
  • It's a free gift.
  • The mobile phone is a new innovation.
·         In my point of view, it is completely useless

The man of the island--Question answers

The man of the island

Vocabulary words:

steep: rising or falling sharply
 gravel: a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones dislodged: knock or force out of position
 instinctively: arising from impulse or natural inclination
 leap: long jump
 retrace: go back
 flitting: moving swiftly and lightly
 brisk: quick and active
 clasped: grasp (something) tightly with one's hand
 hoarse: sounding rough and harsh
 awkward: diffucult to understand
 startling: very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable
 marooned: trapped and alone in an inaccessible place
aboard: on or into a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle
mate:partner, friend
 whisper: speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat solitude: the state or situation of being alone
 grasp: seize and hold firmly
 ain’t: is not.
 ally: friend, partner, mate
 voyage: a long journey involving travel by sea or in space

Comprehension Questions from book:

a) Jim saw the creature flitting/running like a man on his two legs, this convinced him that the creature was a man.

b) Ben Gunn wanted Jim to help him find a treasure that was lost on the island.

c) Ben Gunn was clothed in tatters of an old ship’s canvas and some patchwork was all held together with fastenings, brass buttons, bits of stick, and loops of tarry gaskin. On his waist he wore an old brass-buckled leather belt, which was the only solid thing in his whole attire.

d) Ben Gunn was marooned on the island by the other members of the ship he was travelling on.

Extra Questions:-

1What was a horrible punishment among the buccaneers?
A horrible punishment among the buccaneers to be marooned on an island.

2 What did the man live on, while being marooned?
The man lived on goats, berries and oysters.

 3 Why did Jim think that the man on the island was mad?
Jim thought that the man on the island was mad because he said that he was rich.

 4 Who was Silver?
Silver was the cook and the ringleader on the ship.

5 Why do you think Jim is caught between going towards the frightening island man and going back to the boat?
Long Jhon Silver, the pirate was waiting to kill him. The man on the island was wild and unreliable.

6 What propels him forward?
The fact that the frightening thing on the land was human.

 7 What is the difference between being shipwrecked and being marooned?
When a person travelling by ship meets with an accident, is known as
Shipwrecked. A person, when left behind by his crew, is known as marooned.

8  Name some characters from literature, movies, TV, etc. were marooned?
Robinson Crusoe, Cast away, lord of the flies, Six Days Seven Nights, The Beach Island of the Blue Dolphins, Life of Pi.

Describe the characters of the story:-

Ben Gunn- A reformed pirate. Stranded on the Island for three years.
Captain Flint- The most bloodthirsty pirate that ever was.
Jim Hawkins -A boy.
Long John Silver- A pirate with one wooden leg and a crutch. Hired as a cook.
Squire Trelawney- The gentleman who founds the treasure hunt.
Billy Bones- A scarred, drunken man.
Doctor Livesey- A very bright and decent man.

Friday, May 1, 2015

PIS Talent Show Images - Std 6 C

Geography L-2 Globe - latitudes and longitudes Notes

L-2 Globe - Latitudes and Longitude    
Define :-
  1. Great circle - Any two opposite longitudes when joined together form a great circle. This marks the shortest distance between two places.
  2. Local time - All places located on the same meridian have noon at the same time. This is the local time for that meridian.
  3. AM and PM- Am stands for ante-meridian meaning before noon. PM stand for post meridian meaning afternoon.
  4. IST - Indian Standard Time is the time accepted as the standard time for entire country. India is located to the east of Greenwich so the IST is five and a half hours ahead of GMT.
  5. International date line (IDL)- It is the imaginary line which roughly passes the 180° longitude through the middle of Pacific Ocean. We add a day if we cross from west to east and  subtract if we cross east to west.
Question answers
Q. 1 Differentiate between the parallels of latitude and the meridians of longitude.
Ans - 

Parallels of Latitudes
Meridians of Longitudes
Imaginary horizontal lines from east to west of the earth.
Imaginary vertical lines from North Pole to South pole.
The circles of latitudes are full circles
The meridians of longitudes are semicircles.
There are 180 latitudes. 90 above the equator and 90 below.
There are 360 longitudes. 180 east of Prime Meridian and 180 in the west.
They are of varied length.
They are all of the same length.
They do not meet anywhere and run parallel to each other.
They are not parallel and meet at the poles.
They help us to know about the temperature of various places.
They help us to know about the time zones of various places.
The places lying on the same parallel have different local time.
The places lying on the same meridians have same local time.

Q. 2 Draw a labelled diagram to show the heat zones of the earth.
Ans - 

Q.3 Give reason:
 a) Why there is need for standard time?
Ans - At times several meridians pass through a country. If places on each meridian were to follow their own local time, it would be difficult to prepare a common railway or airline timetable. To avoid such confusion each country follows the standard time which is the time of central meridian passing through that country.
b) Why Sun rises at Delhi before it rises at London?
Ans - Sun rises at Delhi before London because Delhi is on the east of greenwich meridian. Since our Earth rotates from west to east places on the east of Greenwich are ahead of the Greenwich Time(GMT), and those to the west of Greenwich are behind the GMT.
c) Why different countries have more than one time zones?
Ans - Some countries which have great east-west extent have several time zones. e.g. USA has 5 and Russia has 11. Hence such countries are divided into several time zones, each with its own standard time.
Q.4  How to calculate time of the places located at different meridians?
Ans - Places located on different meridians have different local times. 
  •  The Earth takes 24 hours to complete 1 rotation i.e. to cover 360° of longitude.
    For 1 degree of longitude it takes:
    24 x 60         = 4 minutes 
  •    360
  • So it takes 4 minutes to cover 1° of longitude. 
  • Places in the east are ahead in time than places in the west. 
  • To calculate a degree of longitude towards east add 4 minutes 
  • To calculate a degree of longitude towards west subtract 4 minutes
    For Example:
    Suppose it is 12 noon at Greenwich (0° ), what will be the time at 15°  E and 15°  W longitudes?
    The time difference between 0° and 15° = 15 x 4 = 60 minutes 
  • At15° E, it will be 13 hours (12 +1)or 1pm 
  • At15° W, it will be 11 hours (12-1) or 11 am
Q.5 What is relative location and absolute location?
Ans - Relative location: locating any place on Earth’s surface in relation to another place or nearby landmark is called the relative location eg. Rita’s house is to the west of Evergreen Gardens
Absolute location: locating a place with a coordinate system formed by latitudes and longitudes. For eg. Dhaka is located on 23°42’ North latitude 
Q.6. When it is 10 am in India, what is the time in Tehran (51 1⁄2 °E)?
Ans -
Difference of longitude is 82.5 – 51.5 = 31°
longitude has a time difference of 4 minutes
4 x 31 minutes = 2 hours and 04 mins.
Tehran is situated west of Indian; 2 hours 04 minutes should be subtracted to from the Indian time.The time at Tehran is10hrs - 2hrs 04 minutes= 7 hours 56 minutes 
Q.7 Your friend lives in New York. She wants to watch a TV show, which will be telecast at 1:00 PM at Greenwich. At what time does she need to switch on her TV? (Hint - New York 74° W)
Ans - Difference of longitude is  between Greenwich and New York 0° + 74° = 74°
longitude has a time difference of 4 minutes
4 x 74 minutes = 4 hours and 56 mins.
New York is situated west of Greenwich; 4 hours and 56 mins. should be subtracted from the Greenwich time.
The time at which she will switch on her TV is1PM - 4hrs 56 minutes= 8:04AM