Tuesday, May 5, 2015



gushed: flow of water in a rapid and plentiful stream
forth: forward
fairer: bright and light
outran: run or travel faster or further than
assured: confident
will: desire

Q1.What state of mind of the lame boy is depicted?
He was very sad.
Q2.Why is he lonely?
He has no playmates/friends.
Q3Where did all his playmates go?
To the magical land that the Pied Piper Promised.


I) I can’t forget that I’m bereft
Of all the pleasant sights they see,
Which the Piper also promised me.


Q1What can the lame boy not forget?
the lame boy did not forget that he was bereft of all the pleasant sights.

Q2What did the Pied Piper promise the children?
Beautiful pleasant sights.

Q3Why is the lame boy bereft of the pleasant sights?
As he is left alone in the town of Hamelin.

II) For he led us, he said, to a joyous land,
Joining the town and just at hand,
Where waters gushed and fruit-trees grew,
And flowers put forth a fairer hue,
And everything was strange and new;


Q1Where would the Pied Piper lead the children?
The Pied Piper led the children to a joyous land with pleasant sights.
Q2What is special about the flowers of the joyous land?
they are of varied and bright colours.
Q3Where was this new land situated?
The new land was situated very close to Hamelin.

III) The sparrows were brighter than peacocks here,
And their dogs outran our fallow deer,
And honey-bees had lost their stings,
And horses were born with eagles’ wings:


Q1What did the Pied Piper tell about the birds?
the sparrows were brighter than the peacocks.
Q2What happened to the honey bees?
They had lost their stings.
Q3What was special about the dogs?

They outran the deer.
My lame foot would be speedily cured,
The music stopped and I stood still,
And found myself outside the hill,


Q1What do you understand from the above  lines?
The lame boy was assured that his lame foot would be cured in this magical land. But as soon as he was about to reach the hill, the Pied Piper’s music stopped and he found himself left behind.

Q2What is the rhyme scheme in the above lines?
The rhyme scheme in the above lines -- a bb

Brief questions:
Q a)What strange things happen in this land?
There sparrows were brighter than peacocks, dogs outrun the deer, honeybees lose their stings, horses are born with eagle’s wings.
Q b)What was the lame boy sure of?
that his foot would be speedily cured .
Q C )What is the lame boy lamenting about?why?
The lame boy is lamenting for his loss. He was left behind against his will, limping just like before and will never hear of the magical country again.

fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the above bracket.

(will ,assure , outrun , gush, forth)
1. Water from the tank ________out and rapidly filled the ditch and truck cab.
2. Let me______ you it is one of the best out there.
3. The obligations of the trainee are clearly set______.
 4. He made me go against my____.

5. Information technology is going to _________ the capabilities of workers at nearly all levels.

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