Monday, February 15, 2016

Comprehension Passage for OBT

Boeing 747
A Boeing 747 was once on its way from Indonesia to new Zealand with 247 passenger on the board. The aircraft met with a, deadly cloud of dust and ash throw in to sky by a volcano. They were flying Out over a sea at the height of 10,000 meters when the jet’s four engine cut out, one by one. A terrible silence fell over the aircraft.
The quick-thinking pilot put his huge jet into a glide and turned back for the airport. For a full thirteen minutes they glided through the air.
Even without engine, this great aircraft seemed to take to the skies like a bird. Here are some facts about jumbo jets:
1)    The Jumbo Jets or Boeing 747 is 70 meters long, 6 meters wide and 19.5 meters high. It is the largest ever built for the world airlines
2)   Its seats up to 500 passengers in one flight. In one year, a jumbo jet will take 150000 people between France and America,.
3)    It carries 214000 liters of fuel which would be enough for to keep a car running for hundred years. In crossing from New York to London a jumbo will use 90000 liters of fuel. Suddenly the four engines started again.
Thanks to this magnificent machine and its pilots, they were able to safely
land half an hour later.
4)   It is made up of over four million parts and has over 160000 kilometers of wires and cables.
5)   Four massive jet engines are needed to get these 300 tons machine into the air and 18 wheels are needed to support its weight on the ground.
6)   A jumbo jet, flying to New York will carry over 3000 kilograms of food and drinks to serve the passengers.
7)   Flying at a height of 10600 meters, the Boeing 747 cruisers along at a speed of 912 kilometers per hour (560mph)

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