Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Deciphering The Stereotypical Society--W S

3. What kind of a person do you think was the captain of the plane?
The incident tells us that the captain was not prejudiced and did not believe in racial discrimination.
4. Whom did the hostess refer to as the unpleasant person?
The hostess referred to the white woman as the unpleasant person.
5. Name the freedom fighter of India who experienced a similar situation.
Mahatma Gandhi
6. Discrimination can also be done on the basis of ________
Caste, gender, economic status

QII Unscramble the words with the help of the clues given
1. NJAHRAI – An English newspaper started by Gandhiji. – Harijan
2. TONICTUNOSTI – Helped in eradicating inequality. –Constitution
3. PTEYEOSTRE - Women are homemaker conveys Stereotype thinking.
4. CHOUTNUYTILIBA – Gandhiji enlightened the Indians on the evils of Untouchability

QIII Write your attitude about
1. People who are obese
They are obese because they eat too much.
They do not exercise.
They have some health problem.
2. People who hate Maths.
They do not like calculations.
Their basic understanding of numbers is weak.
They were not taught well.

QIV Justify that the following statements are stereotypical.
1. ‘Boys don’t cry’
Stereotype means ‘to believe unfairly that all people or things with particular characteristics are the same’. There are certain beliefs relating to the male and female genders like women cannot go out to earn, men are the protectors and successors of the family. The above statementalso conveys one such generalized belief that all men are supposed to be brave and should not express their emotions by crying.

QV The names of few reformers are given below. Find information on how they have contributed to the betterment of the Indian Society.
1. Ramabai Ranade – Worked for Women’s education
2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Worked against child marriages and untouchability.
3. Annie Besant – Fought for the rights of the Indian Women.
4. Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru - Took major steps for the eradication of the evils of the much prevalent caste-system

5. Mother Teressa – Worked for the downtrodden and needy people.

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