Sunday, July 5, 2015

History -Reconstructing history-W S

Give one word for
1. A tool used to show the sequence in which events happen. -Timeline
2. A person who helps in analyzing coins. - Numismatist
3. A written collection of one’s own memories. - Memoirs
4. These mountain ranges are to the south of the Gangetic Plains. -Vindhya
5. Buttons, pots, jewellery or tools are examples of this archaeological
source. - Artefacts
QII State true or false. If false correct the statement:
1. Inscriptions are living documents of ancient times. - False
Inscriptions are markings carved on a coin, medal, monument, tablet, pillar or seal. OR Historic monuments are living documents of ancient times.
2. Protohistory is the time just before the earliest recorded history. True.
3. The Indus and the Ganga are thetwo great perennial river systems arising from the Himalayas. – True
4. Indika was written by Kalhana. – False
Indika was written by Megasthenes OR Rajataranjini was written by Kalhana
5. The gold coins of Kumargupta I show him as a devtee of God Shiva.-False
The gold coins of Kumargupta show him as a devotee of God Kartikeya.
QIII Name the personalities with the help of the clues given and spot them in the word search.
1. The Siribhoovalaya was written by – Kumudendu Muni
2. He formed the Asiatic Society – William Jones
3. He declared the year 46 BCE to have – 442 days – Julius Caesar.
4. He invented the AD/BC concept – Dionysius Exiguus
5. The two Chinese travelers who visited India – Fa-hsein and Hsuang Tsang.
6. He prepared a plan for the Indian Archaelogical Survey – Alexander Cunningham
QIV Match the columns:
Archaelogical Sources How they help
1. Coins                             a.Throw light on the language of the rulers
2. Inscriptions                  b. Indicate the advancement made in metallurgy
3. Monuments                c. Reveal connections between the life in the past and now.
4. Fossils                             d. Helping in gathering information on town planning of that era.
5. Artefacts                             e. Give detail about plants and animals in the ancient times.
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. c
QVI. Draw a timeline for the eras given below
1. Vedic Cicilization – 1500BCE-500 BCE
2. Mauryan Dynasty – 321 BCE – 185CE
3. Rise of Mahajanapads – 600 BCE
4. Neolithic Age – 8000 BCE – 4000 BCE
5. Gupta Age – 319 CE – 550 CE

Q.VII Following are the names of folk tales and other historical works. Correct their spellings
1. Hetopedashe - Hitopadesha
2. Anchapantra – Panchatantra
3. Jhateka – Jataka
4. Rathashastra – Arthashastra

5. Ashtahidayi - Ashtadhayayi

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