Friday, July 31, 2015

Motions of the earth notes

Q4) What is revolution? What are the effects of the Earth’s revolution?
Ans. Revolution is the movement of the earth around the sun on a fixed orbit. This orbit is elliptical in shape.
The revolution causes
i)      occurrence and change in the seasons,
ii)                Leap year also happen due to revolution,
iii)             Variation in the length of days and nights
iv)             Distribution of heat over the Earth

Q5) Write short notes :
a)    Leap Year: The Earth takes 365 ¼ days to complete one revolution around the sun. For our convenience , we consider a year equal to 365 days. The remaining ¼ day is compiled to make one complete day of 24 hours. Ie( 24 hours / 4 = 6 hours). This extra day is added to the month of February every fourth year. This year is known as a leap year. In a leap year February has 29 days instead of 28 days.
b)   Seasons: The seasons occur due to the revolution of the earth. There are mainly 4 seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter. The seasons occur due to four different  position of the earth. These positions of the earth are named based on the season experienced in the Northern Hemisphere at that particular time of the year.
c)    Spring Equinox: The sunrise falls vertically on the equator, causing equal days and nights all over the Earth The northern hemisphere has blooming spring while  the southern hemisphere has chilly autumn. This occurs on 21 st March.
d)   Summer Solstice: The day is referred to as being the longest day and the shortest night in the Northern hemisphere. Due to inclination of the Northern Hemisphere towards the sun, the vertical rays directly fall on the Tropic of Cancer and slanting rays fall on the Tropic of Capricorn. Thus , it is summer in Northern hemisphere and winter in Southern hemisphere. This position of the Earth is known as ‘Summer Solstice’. This happens on 21st  June.
e)   Autumnal Equinox: On the 23rd  September, the sun again shines vertically over the equator. The duration of days and nights in both the hemispheres are equal. The seasons are just reversed, the Northern hemisphere has autumn and the southern hemisphere has spring. This is termed as ‘Autumnal Equinox’.

f)     Winter Solstice:  In this position of the earth, vertical sunrise fall on Tropic of Capricorn and slanting rays falls on Tropic of Cancer. The Northern hemisphere has winter with shorter days while the southern hemisphere enjoys summer with longer days. This is known as ‘Winter Solstice’. 22nd December is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere.

6) How does the revolution of the earth cause variations in the length of days and nights?
Ans: The revolution of the Earth on its inclined axis around the sun causes longer days in summer than in winter. The variation between the lengths of the day and the night is minimum at the equator. It increases gradually towards the poles. Thus the North Pole and the South Pole experience 6 months daylight and 6 months night.

6) Why is it extremely hot at the equator?

Ans: It is extremely hot at the equator as that part of the earth receives vertical rays of the sun. The poles receive slanting rays thus it is freezing cold at the North Pole and South Pole.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Motions of the earth notes

Motions of the earth
Q1. Define:
a)    Earth’s axis: An imaginary line joining north and south poles is called earth’s axis.
b)            Inclination: The earth is tilted at an angle of 23 1/2o. This tilt is called inclination.
c)              Circle of illumination: The imaginary line that divides the surface of the earth into day and night is called Circle of illumination.
d)            Perihelion: When the distance between the Sun and the Earth is minimum ie 147 million km on January 4  then it is called Perihelion.
e)             Aphelion: When the distance between the Sun and the Earth is maximum ie 152 million km on July 4 then it is called Aphelion.
f)                Earth Day: The earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation, thus the time taken by the earth is called the Earth Day or the Solar Day.
g)             Oblate Spheroid: Rotation causes bulging of the earth near the equator and flattens the poles .This shape of the earth is called Oblate Spheroid.

Q2) Answer the following:
What are the effects of rotation?
Ans: The effects of rotation are:
a)    It causes day and nights in alternate pattern at all places on the surface of the earth.
b)   High tides and low tides occur twice in a day due to rotation.
c)    Deflection of wind or ocean currents takes place. The deflection takes place towards its right in the northern hemisphere and towards its left in the southern hemisphere.
d)   Rotation causes bulging of the earth near the equator and flattens the poles . This is called Oblate spheroid.
e)   The sun rises in the east and sets in the east
Q3) a) Draw the circle of illumination figure 4.1 on page no 34. Label the earth’s axis and the circle of illumination.

b) Draw the fig. 4.2 on page 35 perihelion and aphelion

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Topic: Nouns: One word for many

Visualiser Sheet 2 Date:
Topic: Nouns: One word for many Sub-topic(s):

Choose the correct option.
1. Which of the following words refers to the skill required to manage
international affairs?
b) Tact
c) Tenacity
2. You are in a ________________  when you are forced to choose between two
unpleasant alternatives.
b) confusion
c) crisis
3. Small pieces of burning coal
a) Ambers
c) Ashes
4. Severe scarcity of food
b) Shortage
c) Poverty
5. Seize authority of others in an unlawful manner
a) Ascend
b) Dethrone
6. Serving as an example
a) Extraordinary

c) Ellipse
7. The science which studies the occult influence of stars on human beings
a) Astronomy
c) Optics
8. Remedy for all diseases
9. Revolt against the government to bring about complete change
a) Riot
c) War
10. Scene of violent and illegal confusion
b) Struggle
c) Pandora’s box
11. Science of birds
c) Physiology
12. Place where animals like cows and horses are kept
a) Kennel
b) Sty
13. A person who loves mankind and works for their well -being
b) Devotee
c) Anthropologist

14. Periodical publication of official news
b) Magazine
c) Memo

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Time Table-Cycle test-I / Class VI


DATE      DAY                SUBJECT

9-7-15     Thursday           Science
10-7-15   Friday                Maths
11-7-15   Saturday          (Holiday)
12-7-15   Sunday            (Holiday)
13-7-15   Monday           Hindi
14-7-15   Tuesday          Computer
15-7-15    Wednesday     English
16-7-15    Thursday        Third language
17-7-15    Friday             Social Studies

Timings of School during exams will be from 7:55 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Open house will be on 1st August'2015.

Question Bank-English

Question Bank  Cycle Test – 1 (2015-16)
Std: VI
Subject: English
Read the following passage carefully.
Have you heard people saying that the 'rupiah makes the world
go round? Do you know the story of the rupee?
The word rupee comes from the Sanskrit term ‘Rupya’ or ‘ Rupa’
which means silver. The very early coins before the second century BC,
were all made of silver but the coins were neither of any standard
weight nor had any face or value printed on them. It was Sher Shah
Suri who first gave the name “rupia” to the silver coins. In 1942 the silver
coin was replaced by a cupro-nickel coin for the first time.
Money was invented by man to get power but now money has
become more powerful than man. The more money a person has, the
more successful he is judged to be. A rich man is accepted by society
even if he is corrupt or evil.
Man works hard to earn more and more money and saves a lot
of it. He thinks that money will give him more freedom to enjoy himself.
He thinks he will not be anyone's slave but be his own master. But s oon
he becomes the slave of money. The more he has, the more he wants.
He is never satisfied with what he has got but always wants something
more even though he knows that in the end, he cannot carry anything
with him. Money can buy everything but it cannot buy peace or
happiness or a ticket to heaven.
Now answer the following questions by choosing the correct options
given below:
1. The early coins were made of...
a. copper
b. gold
c. silver
d. lead
Question Bank  Cycle Test – 1 (2015-16)
Std: VI
Subject: English
2. The cupro-nickel coins came into existence in the year ...
a. 1294
b. 1429
c. 1942
d. 1924
3. Today money is …
a. less powerful than man
b. equal to man
c. more powerful than man
d. none of the above
4. Society willingly accepts … from a rich man.
a. honesty
b. corruption
c. bribery
d. none of the above
5. The word satisfied can be replaced by…
a. contended
b. happy
c. fulfilled
d. overjoyed
1. Notice: Your school has planned an inter class debate competition.
Write a notice for the school notice-board informing students of the
competition giving details like date, time venue, contact person etc in
50-60 words.
2. You have to rush for your tuition class, and nobody is at home. Leave a
message for your mother informing her about the same.
3. Write a letter to your younger brother, who has got admission in a
hostel, emphasizing the importance of a good breakfast.
 Energy in the morning to perform
 Important meal
 Nutrition and health
 Never skip
 Will lead to fatigue
Identify the dependent clause in the following sentences:
1. Amita knows that her friend donates to an orphanage every year.
a. Amita knows that her friend donates
b. to an orphanage every year
c. Amita knows
d. that her friend donates to an orphanage every year
2. After we had had lunch, we went back to work.
a. After we had had lunch
b. we went back to work
c. we went
d. we had had lunch
3. I'll be home tomorrow unless the plane is delayed for hours.
a. I'll be home tomorrow
b. unless the plane's delayed for hours.
c. is delayed for hours
d. I'll be home
4. It’s a film that should be seen by everyone.
a. It’s a film
b. that should be seen by everyone
c. should be seen
d. a film that
Fill in the blanks:
1. Sam along with his friends ______ visiting the museum today. (is / are)2. Neither of my two suitcases __________ adequate for this trip. (are/is)
3. The jury ____________ their seats in the courtroom. (take/ takes)4. Some of the grain ____________ gone bad. (has/was)
5. Kumar and his brother Rahul ___________ traveling across the country
next summer. (is/ are)
Give one word for:
1. a disease affecting many people at the same time.
a. curriculum
b. dormitory
c. epidemic
d. foreigner
2. a person who journeys on foot/by walking
a. mane
b. pedestrian
c. pitch
d. spectators
3. boys and girls between ages of 12 to19
a. pitch
b. spectators
c. teenagers
d. veteran
4. the long hair on the neck of a lion or horse
a. monotonous
b. nostalgia
c. omniscient
d. mane
5. a course of study in a school, college or university
a. author
b. barrack
c. curriculum
d. dormitory
What part of speech is the underlined word:
1. She woke up early in the morning.
a. adverb
b. interjection
c. adjective
d. noun
2. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station.
a. adverb
b. interjection
c. adjective
d. noun
3. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!"
a. adverb
b. interjection
c. adjective
d. noun
4. She went to the market and bought some eggs.
a. adverb
b. interjection
c. adjective
d. verb
5. I want to go now.
a. adverb
b. interjection
c. adjective
d. verb
Identify the type of noun of the underlined word.
1. I bought a shirt made of cotton for the party.
a. abstract noun
b. material noun
c. proper noun
d. collective noun
2. Honesty is the best policy.
a. common
b. proper
c. collective
d. abstract
3. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
a. common
b. proper
c. collective
d. abstract
4. A committee of five was appointed.
a. common
b. proper
c. collective
d. abstract
5. James is a bright student.
a. common
b. proper
c. collective
d. abstract
Give the plural forms of the following:
a. deer
b. deers
c. deeres
d. deerous
a. oxes
b. oxy
c. oxen
d. ox
a. post mans
b. postsman
c. postmen
d. postmens
a. boxes
b. boxs
c. boxen
d. box
Identify the gender of the underlined noun:
1. The doe ran away as soon as I approached the stream.
a. masculine
b. feminine
c. neuter
d. common
2. The Baron of Hausberg expressed his gratitude.
a. masculine
b. feminine
c. neuter
d. common
3. I will attend my cousin’s wedding this weekend.
a. masculine
b. feminine
c. neuter
d. common
4. The books are on the shelf.
a. masculine
b. feminine
c. neuter
d. common
5. Sheila’s nephew is an athlete.
a. masculine
b. feminine
c. neuter
d. common
a. serieses
b. series
c. seriess
d. serial
Fill in the blanks:
1. One who rides horses in races is called a ___________.
a. jockey
b. rider
c. driver
d. mercenary
2. One who foretells things by the stars, planets etc. is called a _________.
a. ambassador
b. archaeologist
c. astrologer
d. astronomer
3. One who sells sweets and pastries is called a _________.
a. astrologer
b. astronomer
c. confectioner
d. curator
4. A person incharge of a museum is called a _________.
a. confectioner
b. curator
c. drover
d. hawker
5. One who studies heavenly bodies is called a _________.
a. archaeologist
b. astrologer
c. astronomer
d. confectioner
Fill in the blanks:
a. The _______ is very good today. (whether/weather)
b. I can't _______ your gift. (accept/except)c. The _______ of our school is very tall. (principle/principal)d. This is the _______ time that I've told you about this. (forth/fourth)e. I love the _______ of fresh flowers. (order/odour)
1. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
My eyes turned instinctively in that direction and I saw a figure leap
with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine. What it was, whether
bear or man or monkey, I could not tell.
a. What did the narrator see as he turned his eyes?
b. Why was it difficult to recognise the thing?
c. Identify the word which means ‘with great speed’.
2. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
The wise men pondered and pondered and could not make a head
or tail of it, till one day, when the thing was lying on a window sill, a hen
flew in and pecked at it till she made a hole in it.
a. What were the wise men pondering about?
b. What happened when the thing was lying on the window sill?
c. Find the word which is an antonym for ‘foolish’.
3. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
For he led us, he said, to a joyous land,
Joining the town and just at hand,
Where waters gushed and fruit trees grew,
And flowers put forth a fairer hue.
a. Who is ‘he’ referred to in the extract?
b. Name and explain the figure of speech in the third line of the
c. Write the word which is synonymous with ‘colour’.
4. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
“These to the printer,” I exclaimed,
And, in my humorous way,
I added, (as a trifling jest,)“There’ll be the devil to pay.”
a. Explain the line “There’ll be the devil to pay.”
b. Identify the rhyme scheme of the stanza. Give any one pair of
rhyming words.
c. Explain the phrase ‘a trifling jest’.
Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.
1. The Man from the Island
a. What convinced Jim that the creature flitting from tree to tree was
a man?
b. How did Ben Gunn come to be on the island?
c. Why do you think Jim is caught between going towards the
frightening island man and going back to the boat?
d. What was a horrible punishment among the buccaneers?
e. Why did Jim think that the man on the island was mad?
2. A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg
a. Why did the earth bear large sized grains in olden times and has
ceased to do so now?
b. How was the grandfather different from his son and grandson?
c. Could the learned men find out the what the thing was? What were
their suggestions?
d. Why was the grandfather healthier than both his son and his
e. What was the king’s question to the old peasant who came first?
3. The Lame Boy’s Lament
a. What was the one important thing that the lame boy hoped to get
in the joyous land?
b. What kind of animals lived in the joyous land?
c. What do you understand from these lines?
‘My lame foot would be speedily cured,
The music stopped and I stood still,
And found myself outside the hill’
d. What kind of life does the lame boy lead now?
e. What strange things happen in the joyous land?
4. The Height of the Ridiculous
a. What effect did the poem have on Holmes’ servant?
b. Why is the poem called ‘The Height of the Ridiculous’?
c. What made the poet quit writing?
d. Explain the lines:
‘They were so queer, so very queer,
I laughed as I would die’
e. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line:
‘I laughed as I would die’
Answer the following questions in about 60 -80 words.
1. How did the crew desert the family?
2. Why did the Robinson Family decide to spend one more night on the
wrecked vessel?
3. Describe the narrow boat they built to get ashore.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Deciphering The Stereotypical Society--W S

3. What kind of a person do you think was the captain of the plane?
The incident tells us that the captain was not prejudiced and did not believe in racial discrimination.
4. Whom did the hostess refer to as the unpleasant person?
The hostess referred to the white woman as the unpleasant person.
5. Name the freedom fighter of India who experienced a similar situation.
Mahatma Gandhi
6. Discrimination can also be done on the basis of ________
Caste, gender, economic status

QII Unscramble the words with the help of the clues given
1. NJAHRAI – An English newspaper started by Gandhiji. – Harijan
2. TONICTUNOSTI – Helped in eradicating inequality. –Constitution
3. PTEYEOSTRE - Women are homemaker conveys Stereotype thinking.
4. CHOUTNUYTILIBA – Gandhiji enlightened the Indians on the evils of Untouchability

QIII Write your attitude about
1. People who are obese
They are obese because they eat too much.
They do not exercise.
They have some health problem.
2. People who hate Maths.
They do not like calculations.
Their basic understanding of numbers is weak.
They were not taught well.

QIV Justify that the following statements are stereotypical.
1. ‘Boys don’t cry’
Stereotype means ‘to believe unfairly that all people or things with particular characteristics are the same’. There are certain beliefs relating to the male and female genders like women cannot go out to earn, men are the protectors and successors of the family. The above statementalso conveys one such generalized belief that all men are supposed to be brave and should not express their emotions by crying.

QV The names of few reformers are given below. Find information on how they have contributed to the betterment of the Indian Society.
1. Ramabai Ranade – Worked for Women’s education
2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Worked against child marriages and untouchability.
3. Annie Besant – Fought for the rights of the Indian Women.
4. Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru - Took major steps for the eradication of the evils of the much prevalent caste-system

5. Mother Teressa – Worked for the downtrodden and needy people.

The Early Humans--W S

QI . Choose the correct answer:
1. The British naturalist,Charles Darwin wrote the book ‘The Descendant of Man’ (1871).
a. Arthur Adams b. Michel Adanson
c. Charles Darwin d. Alfred William Alcock

2. ‘Ardi’ is the name given to a skeleton excavated from the Ethiopian desert.
a. Ethiopian b. Australian
c. Mexican d. Indian

3. Much of the human evolution occurred in the continent of
Africa ..
a. America b. Australia
c. Antarctica d. Africa

4. The Mesolithic man used advanced flint tools called the
a. megalith b. microliths
c. electron spin d. fossils

5. The people from Central India were called the Malwa people..
a. Aborigines b Chalcolithic
c. Hunsgi d Malwa

QII Imagine you are wandering in the Chalcolithic age. Write three things that you would find in this period and draw the images.
Animals- cattle, sheep, goats,
Metal artefacts
Rectangular or circular houses
Painted pottery

QIII Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions.
Picture A Picture B
1. Name the above discoveries – Picture A - Fire
Picture B - Wheel
2. Who made these discoveries – Picture A – The Paleolithic Man
Picture B - Neolithic Man
3. How were they used?
Picture A: Fire provided light and kept them warm. It was also
used to scare wild animals and helped to cook.
Picture B:The wheel was used to make pottery, transportation
of heavy objects as well as humans.

4. Give one way in which we make use of the fire and the wheel.
Fire: Fire is used to cook food
Wheel is used to run machines and vehicles
QIV Mention two similarities between the Paleolithic and the
Mesolithic age.
1. The Paleolithic and Neolithic man, both were food gatherers
and hunterers.
2. Both wore barks of trees, leaves and animal skins to protect
themselves from heat cold and rain.
QV Answer the questions related to the picture given below:
1. This picture depicts which period.
This picture depicts the Stone Age or the Paleolithic Age.
2. Where are the people living?
The people are living in a cave
3. What is fire being used for?
The fire is being used for cooking.
4. What are the men in the cave doing?
One of the men in the cave is making stone tools and the
other is making a cave painting.

QVI Complete the following chart:
The Aborigines of AustraliaAborigines of Australia
Where did they live
They lived in the desert, inland non-desert areas, the coast and Tasmania.
They ate fruit.In the desert they ate insects,birds, reptiles and mammals.On the coast they ate roots,fruits, small animals, reptiles, fish and shell fish.
Role of man and woman
Men were custodians, tool makers and hunters. Women took care of the children, and gathered and fixed their food.

QVII Given below are sentences related to the Mesolithic Age.
Read them and write what change took place with respect to
these in the Neolithic Age.

1. Man lived in simple houses made of straw.
Man lived in houses made up of sun dried and burnt brick.

2. They wore barks of trees, leaves and animal skin.
They developed the art of spinning and wore clothes made of
wool and linen.

3. Hunting and food gathering were the main occupations.
Cultivation of crops and domestication of animals started in

the Neolithic

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Indus Valley Civilization-W S

QI Give the other names for
1. Lord Shiva - Pashupatinath
2. Mohenjo-daro – Mound of the Dead
3. Indus Valley Civilizations – Harappan Civilizations
4. River Valley Civilizations – Bronze Age
QII Choose the correct word from the bracket and fill in the blanks
1. Houses had side-entrances and windows were conspicuously absent. (windows)
2. In the Indus valley many figurines were made of terracotta. (bronze)
3. Houses were connected to the main drain equipped with manholes. (manholes)
4. The Indus people sowed seeds in November and reaped harvests in April. (April)
5. The Lower Town with larger residential areas were meant for the masses. (Lower Town)
6. The total area of the Indus Valley Civilization is larger than the total area of present day Pakistan. (Pakistan)
QIII Correct the following sentences by changing the  underlined words.
1. The most  important  public  place  in  Mohenjo-Daro  was  the granary.
The most important public place in Mohenjo-Daro was the great bath.
2. Rice was the staple food of the people of Indus.
Wheat was the staple food of the people of Indus.
3. A monument having a skeleton with a bronze mirror on it has been found in the city of Lothal.
A grave having a skeleton with a bronze mirror on it has been found in the city of Dholavira.
4. Sand makes the soil fertile for crops to grow in.
Silt makes the soil fertile for crops to grow in.
5. R.D. Banerjee discovered Harappa in 1932.
R. B. Dayaram discovered Harappa in 1922.
6. The Harrapans had trade relations with Baluchistan and Nepal.
The Harappans had trade relations with Afghanistan and Iran.
QIV. Give reasons for the following:
1. A large population migrated to these civilizations Irrigation through rivers brought water to dry areas and lead to surplus farming because of which a large population migrated to these places.
2. The  Indus  Valley Civilization  was  also  called  the  Harappan Civilization because
The  Indus  Valley  Civilization  was  also  called  the  Harappan Civilization  because  Harappa  was  the  first  city  to  be excavated.
3. The cities of of the Indus Civilization got completely wiped off because
The cities  of  the  Indus  Civilization  got  completely  wiped  off because the rivers Indus and Ravi changed their courses and frequent flooding of these rivers made it difficult for the people to live in.
QV. Identify the following pictures and write one or two sentences describing their features.
1.     The seals were made of soft stone and had signs, symbols and animal motifs on it.
2.     The  Great  Bath  was  the  most  important  public  place  in Mohenjo-daro and consisted of the tank situated in the citadel.
3.     The famous woman dancer image made of bronze metal.
QVI. Explain the following:
1. Granary
A  granary  was  built  on  the  top  of  a  narrowed  brick  platform. The foundation of the granary was divided into 27 square and rectangular blocks by narrow passageways, two running East West  and  eight  running  North-South.  Some  of  the  blocks  had square  sockets  for  holding  wooden  beams  or  pillars  and  the entire structure was thought to have been made of timbers.
2. Dress and ornaments of the Indus people.

People  wore  clothes  made  of  cotton  fabrics  and  wool.  Both men  and  women  of  all  classes  wore  ornaments.  Ornaments such  as  necklaces,  fillets,  armlets,  finger-rings  and  bangles were worn. Girdles, nose-studs, earrings and anklets were worn by  women  only.  These  ornaments  were  made  of  gold,  silver, ivory, copper and both precious and semi-stones such as jade, crystal, agate, carnelian and lapis lazuli.

History -Reconstructing history-W S

Give one word for
1. A tool used to show the sequence in which events happen. -Timeline
2. A person who helps in analyzing coins. - Numismatist
3. A written collection of one’s own memories. - Memoirs
4. These mountain ranges are to the south of the Gangetic Plains. -Vindhya
5. Buttons, pots, jewellery or tools are examples of this archaeological
source. - Artefacts
QII State true or false. If false correct the statement:
1. Inscriptions are living documents of ancient times. - False
Inscriptions are markings carved on a coin, medal, monument, tablet, pillar or seal. OR Historic monuments are living documents of ancient times.
2. Protohistory is the time just before the earliest recorded history. True.
3. The Indus and the Ganga are thetwo great perennial river systems arising from the Himalayas. – True
4. Indika was written by Kalhana. – False
Indika was written by Megasthenes OR Rajataranjini was written by Kalhana
5. The gold coins of Kumargupta I show him as a devtee of God Shiva.-False
The gold coins of Kumargupta show him as a devotee of God Kartikeya.
QIII Name the personalities with the help of the clues given and spot them in the word search.
1. The Siribhoovalaya was written by – Kumudendu Muni
2. He formed the Asiatic Society – William Jones
3. He declared the year 46 BCE to have – 442 days – Julius Caesar.
4. He invented the AD/BC concept – Dionysius Exiguus
5. The two Chinese travelers who visited India – Fa-hsein and Hsuang Tsang.
6. He prepared a plan for the Indian Archaelogical Survey – Alexander Cunningham
QIV Match the columns:
Archaelogical Sources How they help
1. Coins                             a.Throw light on the language of the rulers
2. Inscriptions                  b. Indicate the advancement made in metallurgy
3. Monuments                c. Reveal connections between the life in the past and now.
4. Fossils                             d. Helping in gathering information on town planning of that era.
5. Artefacts                             e. Give detail about plants and animals in the ancient times.
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. c
QVI. Draw a timeline for the eras given below
1. Vedic Cicilization – 1500BCE-500 BCE
2. Mauryan Dynasty – 321 BCE – 185CE
3. Rise of Mahajanapads – 600 BCE
4. Neolithic Age – 8000 BCE – 4000 BCE
5. Gupta Age – 319 CE – 550 CE

Q.VII Following are the names of folk tales and other historical works. Correct their spellings
1. Hetopedashe - Hitopadesha
2. Anchapantra – Panchatantra
3. Jhateka – Jataka
4. Rathashastra – Arthashastra

5. Ashtahidayi - Ashtadhayayi

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Vedic civilization

1.   How did the Aryans enter our country?
       The Aryans entered India through the Khyber Pass.
2.   Where did  the aryans  settled  first?
      The  Aryans  first  settled  in  the Sapta- Sindhu region,  that  is,  the  region  of  seven rivers.
3.   Who were dasyus?
    Dasyus  were the indegenous  inhabitants, who later after   conflict with aryans became Dasas(slaves) of the Aryans and Called Sudra.
4. What does the Vedic literature include?
The vedic literature includes  all four  vedas,Epics(Ramayan, Mahabharata),the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Upnishads, the Aryanakas as well as Upvedas.
5. What does the Rig Veda contain?
    It is a collection of hymns.
6. What forms Atharva Veda?
Collection of spells and charms
7. Into how many parts is each Veda divided? Name them. Each Veda is divided into four parts and they are the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads, the Aranyakas
8. What do the Brahamanas contain?
Prose texts which contain details about the meaning of Vedic hymns and rituals.
9. What is Mahabharata?
The Mahabharata is long est poem made up of almost 100,000 couplets—about seven times the length of the Illiad  and the Odyssey combined.It is divided into 18 parvas, or sections.
10.      What changes were made in economic life of the people during Vedic period ?
The improvement in the quality of  and size of plough as well as the use of manure lerad to increase in agricultural production.There was  rise in the variety of occupations such as charioteers, fisherman, jewellers, washermen, dyers, cooks, astrologers, barbers, musicians and smiths.