Friday, January 22, 2016

Swiss family robinson chap10

Comprehension Questions:

1 What was the narrator’s first thought next morning?
Ans His first thought was to fetch the sledge from the wood
2 What was his motive for leaving it there?
Ans The narrator wanted to go a little further into the land and ascertain whether
 anything useful would present itself beyond the wall of rocks.
3 What did they find on their journey towards the sledge?
Ans They found a pretty grove whose branches were loaded with berries covered with
sticky wax.
4 How did the narrator find India rubber?
 Ans While they were busy picking berries another tree caught the narrator’s attention.
He noticed that the fruit it bore resembled the wild figs. The trunk of the tree oozed
gum which became immediately hardened by the air. Fritz collected some of it and as
they continued their journey, he pulled it like elastic. It quickly dawned upon the
narrator that it was in fact India rubber which would be very useful to them.
5 What made it almost impossible for them to proceed further?
Ans  The thick bushes of bamboo.
6 How did the narrator make candles?
Ans He put as many berries into the vessel as it would contain and set it on a moderate
 flame. His wife helped him make some wicks with the thread from the sail cloth.
 When they noticed the oily matter rise to the top, they skimmed it off and put it into a
Separate vessel. They continued this process till they had produced a considerable
quantity of wax. Then, they dipped the wicks one by one into it, and hung them on the
bushes to harden. They burnt one of the candles that evening and were very satisfied
with light it produced. 
7 What encouraged them to make butter?
Ans Their success making candles encouraged them to make butter
8 Why did the narrator want to construct a cart?
Ans As the sledge caused him much fatigue to load and draw.
9 Why did the narrator think of blowing up the wreck?
Ans The narrator think of blowing up the wreck so that the timbers themselves drifted


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